Hello There…..Thanks for being here……!!
My name is Danielle, I’m 42 and a mum of 2 boys, 2 doggies and 2 cats, wife, cook, cleaner, taxi driver, nurse, full time employee, and everything in between!! But most recently creator and founder of Hearts on Sleeves.
Let me tell you a bit about my story and how I came up with this idea (which I really hope you love as much as I do.)
In 2007 I lost my beautiful big sister ~ Maxine
She died of respiratory heart failure, bought on by an Asthma attack, but ultimately caused by her issues and her struggles with her mental health.
She lost herself to it and was more ill than anyone realized. Until it was too late.
She was vivacious, funny, beautiful, loud, loyal. She was my best friend.
And she wore her heart on her sleeve.
My idea for hearts on sleeves was born in 2019. I knew I wanted to do something to honour my sisters memory. I was having a conversation about her and said “she always wore her heart on her sleeve” I went to bed that night and had a dream about sweatshirts with hearts all over the sleeve. Boom ~ there it was!!!
But how can I create something that will not only honour her....but also do good in the world? Well that’s where the colours come in.
Each colour represents a charity. For each sale of a sweatshirt I will donate a percentage of the profits to my chosen charity.
So you can buy to support the charity or you can buy because you love the colours, knowing your money will be going some way to help someone....somewhere.
💗 What heart is on your sleeve💗"